25 February, 2009

Delta Plus: Head 2

While the mesh will be built based on the Hyaku Shiki, I'm using the Zeta as the basis for the transformation so I will end up using the zeta rig/mesh for placement of the completed Delta parts.
The head placement is off, but that's obvious I think. I started the waist section as well but haven't gone far as my machine has been quite busy today.
Looks pretty damned ugly so far. I'm sure that it will be ok in the end though.
mobile suit delta plus zeta gundam char's quatro bajeena hyaku shiki kai  plus 3d mesh cg sandrum


Delta Plus: Gun 2

And she appears thusly. I'm quite certain that I have missed some nooks and cranies and it feels a little flat. It's possible that some beveling is in order.

mobile suit delta plus zeta gundam char's quatro bajeena hyaku shiki kai  plus 3d mesh cg sandrum


24 February, 2009

Delta Plus: Gun 1

While working on other stuff I decided to work on something a little easier to keep the posts going a little and not let it stagnate too much. A set up of the gun, but not much detail.

mobile suit delta plus zeta gundam char's quatro bajeena hyaku shiki kai  plus 3d mesh cg sandrum


23 February, 2009

Delta Plus: Head 1

Put in a slightly newer geforce card in the old pc and the opengl performance is a wee better than it was before, but not great. Still need to get a new SOB.

mobile suit delta plus zeta gundam char's quatro bajeena hyaku shiki kai  plus 3d mesh cg sandrum

Working on some Unicorn stuff as usual but I wondered if starting a Delta Plus would be a viable option as a conversion. So I'm using a bunch of online pics and magazines [especially JUNIII's conversion] to assist. I was off to an ok start but I'm getting ready to settle in for the night so going to hit the F9 button to see if a good render will come out when I wake up.

Ah, the reconstruction of the Hyaku Shiki head to the Delta Plus -- or the start of it.

edit: replaced the F-95jd link with the delta plus. Just for now.

mobile suit delta plus zeta gundam char's quatro bajeena hyaku shiki kai  plus 3d mesh cg sandrum


21 February, 2009

GMIII: Conversion 5

A freak blizzard in Aomori stopped electricity on Friday night. Cold as the dickens. Didn't resume till just this morning. Shortened and elongated the head ala Sentinel. Worked on the side missiles again and redid the leg boosters a bit. It should be close to acceptable...

edit: the top camera on the head looks a little punched in. I'll pull it out a bit.

mobile suit gundam Unicorn Destroy mode 3d mesh cg sandrum

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19 February, 2009

GMIII: Conversion 4

Probably not spot on. It's not easy to tell exactly which GMIII to go on. I think the rear section of the pod is a little to large and I still have to get to the leg boosters which the shield is colliding with. But I've managed to get most of the launchers attached to the waist and get a generally acceptable set of pods on the shoulder armor. I also raised the rear skirt a little so that it wouldn't sit so low, but again the [BATTLE AT THE PORT OF DAKAR] scene seems to implicate slightly different parts for the rear waist, more akin to the GM kai...
Anyway a little extra detail here and there and somewhat of a redo for the leg boosters and that should do'er.
mobile suit gundam Unicorn Destroy mode 3d mesh cg sandrum

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GM III: Conversion 3

The missle pods on the shoulders are coming along. I have to assume that the GMIII from the Unicorn series is similar enough to the Nouvel GMIII from the Sentinel series, meaning the pod contains about 4 missiles. Working off of this notion. The pod is a little elongated at the moment.
mobile suit gundam Unicorn Destroy mode 3d mesh cg sandrum

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18 February, 2009

GM III: Conversion 2

Replaced the GM Kai's arms with slightly altered Gundam MKII arms, then redid the rear skirt armor. The Gundam ver KA's shanks came in handy for the shins of the GMIII and I redid some of the calf area a wee bit while also cutting into the Achilles area of the armor to bring out some of the machine parts inside. I went a little high on the knee armor assembly so I'll lower it. Though still working on the lower legs, meaning the MKII thrusters on the outer calves are just placeholders (I promise). I'm still thinking about the shoulder pods (which I will add). Apparently, as shown in Katoki's poster [THE BATTLE AT THE PORT OF DAKAR] 2 GM's are depicted without the pod equipment on the shoulders -- though everything else seems similar. I have to guess that the pod armament is optional...
mobile suit gundam Unicorn Destroy mode 3d mesh cg sandrum

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17 February, 2009

GM III: Conversion 1

mobile suit gundam Unicorn Destroy mode 3d mesh cg sandrum

I feel like I'm on a Unicorn kick. Actually, I thought that getting a few more suits from that era would be good for background purposes so why not start with an "easy to convert" grunt suit.
Working on the upper body for now. So far the head and front skirt are redone with some help from the GM Quel while the backpack and shoulder armor are from the MKII (albeit slightly modified) while the rest of the body is basically the GM Kai. The shield is the Gundam KA version, with the cruciform that I forgot to model for it. Still going on the upper parts as they're obviously not done...

mobile suit gundam Unicorn Destroy mode 3d mesh cg sandrum

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14 February, 2009

Unicorn Gundam Destroy: Texture 1

Indeed the Destroy texture is not too far from what I want. I'm guessing that some particle and hypervoxel effects will assist greatly in the end.
Forgot a flap in the backpack that's supposed to fold upward. I'll get to that before the end.

mobile suit gundam Unicorn Destroy mode 3d mesh cg sandrum


Unicorn Gundam: Texture 1

That reminds me that I hadn't posted the unicorn texture yet. Seems like old times. Maybe I should have posted this on "White Day" instead of Valentines....

edit: darn...the rifle is too large. Don't know why it scaled up like that when the next post seems to have it just fine.

mobile suit gundam Unicorn Destroy mode 3d mesh cg sandrum


Sinanju: Texture 1

Happy Valentines...

I've been dabbling the last week on Hyaku Shiki textures and realized I haven't posted anything during that time. So... here's the bulk of the Sinanju (Shinanju) surfacing. Some dastardly issues in the rear booster armor, but nothing that can't be fixed with a simple press of a button...

mobile suit gundam unicorn shinanju MG katoki 3d mesh cg sandrum

I'm starting to see that the imposed limit in the blogger space is a wee small so I'll probably start going about fixing the blogs layout to accommodate something larger in the future.


04 February, 2009

Hyaku Shiki: Clay Bazooka

This is what I call "within reasonable limits" where just modeling additional light, but needed detail will end up chalking up the polys more than I want. In this case I'll probably go ahead and finish it off using bump maps and the lot. So, sliding the Hyaku Shiki modeling into the "completed" section, despite not getting the beam sabers back there in the holsters.... DOH. Off to finish some surfacing...

mobile suit delta zeta gundam char's quatro bajeena hyaku shiki kai  plus 3d mesh cg sandrum


03 February, 2009

Hyaku Shiki: Beam Rifle

Getting around to the rifle, finally. It wasn't really that bad, but so much going on today, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to finish it up. Might be a little wide in the back... er.. actually probably the whole thing is a little wide.

mobile suit delta zeta gundam char's quatro bajeena hyaku shiki kai  plus 3d mesh cg sandrum


02 February, 2009

Hyaku Shiki: AMBAC

The skinny little wings are up on the backpack now. Wonder if more detail shouldn't be added, but I'm not solid on that.

mobile suit delta zeta gundam char's quatro bajeena hyaku shiki kai  plus 3d mesh cg sandrum


01 February, 2009

Hyaku Shiki: Legs

Ah, the legs. I always loved how the MKII and Hyaku Shiki had some of their parts exposed. A bit of flair that I thought made them stand out. Without the proper sharpening and a little more detail, this set of legs as-is isn't finished.

--edit: crap, the legs are sticking out of the skirt armor.... :(

mobile suit delta zeta gundam char's quatro bajeena hyaku shiki kai  plus 3d mesh cg sandrum
